All About Me

I basically grew up in two towns, in Erial a small town in South Jersey nestled in the pine barrens not too far from Philadelphia, and in Somers Point a town on the Jersey shore. There were not that many children my own age that lived around me so more often than not I had to make my own fun. I would spend my time exploring, biking, jumping off of things I that was not supposed to, and drawing. I could make a game out of almost anything. The neighbors would watch me, marveling at the fact that I could entertain myself with nothing but a newspaper page or a plastic cup. The game was basically have the wind blow the paper or cup, and I would chase it down. I also liked trying start small fires in unusual ways, like with a magnifying glass. I was smart about it though, I was no troublemaker and I was always extremely careful, I was more interested in the science than anything else.

I was a curious boy who would grow into a curious young man as I made my way through high school. I attended Saint Augustine Preparatory School For Boys in Richland, New Jersey. I have always been a straight A student for the most part and have always done well academically; I never hit a rough patch when it came to getting good grades so there is no exciting story to tell there. In high school my life changed the most due to two things, friends, and music. I always had a lot of friends in school with a tightly knit group of better friends but high school brought about a knew way for me see them more often, the automobile. Now I was able to be with friends practically whenever I wanted. I formed a punk band, started going to at least one concert a month, and started collecting CDs with friends. Music became a big part of my life I fell in love with punk rock and ska music.

Now attending Drexel University as an Animation and Visual Effects major I am really the person I was in high school just a little more mature, and a little more expressive. I have thrived in such a creative academic environment, and I could not love the city of Philadelphia any more than I already do. I continue to create, and surround myself with music. While I doubt that I have a band that is going anywhere we are working on an album just for the fun of it. I go to shows whenever I can which is a lot easier when already living in the city, and I have fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming a radio host. I host Philadelphias only ska radio show Your Brain On Ska and I have a blast doing it. I continue to draw and create new work all the time, honing my skills, now I cannot wait to dazzle future audiences with my art and animations.