All About My Work

Ever since I was young I have always loved drawing cartoons, so naturally I dreamed of one day making them move by means other than a flipbook. So far I have made two 2-D digital animations and one 3-D digital animation. I have become proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Autodesk Maya. I have made several design oriented works and have learned to make all kinds of visually interesting pieces.

In Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop I have made pieces from complicated vector art to simple designs and arrangements. My Illustrator work usually experiments with different colors and lines, and how they relate to each other. I try to work to make all different sorts of works that play with both bright and dark colors in order to evoke a certain emotion.

I have worked animating, compositing, and editing in Photoshop. I have made realistic day to night scene transitions through editing. I have realistically composited with 2-D and 3-D images, and objects. I have animated through rotoscoping using different design elements. In Photoshop I focus on making realistic photo elements, as well as using it for making realistic textures for UV and bump maps in Maya.

I have also effectively animated, composited, and edited in Adobe After Effects. I animated primarily through parallax, puppet warping, and masks at this point. I have also learned how to set up 3-D scenes in After Effects. I have learned how to make particle effects and enhance lighting set-ups in 3-D scenes. More than anything else I have learned how to proficiently composite and make camera moves in After Effects.

In Autodesk Maya I have learned how to make photorealistic models and textures, as well as make them move in natural, realistic, and entertaining patterns. I know how to use the Adobe Suite to enhance my scene and import elements. I can UV map and texture in both Maya and Headus. My work in Maya is really focused around fun and creativity. I love making 3-D environments and making things really come to life. I am really learning to use Maya well and enjoy using it as well as the other programs.